• 36.3494
  • 39.2546
  • 46.7704

About Tekirdag

Total 14 records found.
Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Barbaros Kumbağ For Sale Land Field Apartment Detached House
owner for sale summer Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Barbaros, Kumbağ
Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Barbaros, Kumbağ weather forecast
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag Pension
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag hotel
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag daily rental house
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag apartment for sale
Tekirdag Süleymanpaşa Barbaros, Kumbağ apartment for rent
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag holiday rental
How many km is there between Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Barbaros, Kumbağ
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag beach
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbag apart
Tekirdağ Süleymanpaşa Barbaros, Kumbağ military camp
Tekirdag Suleymanpasa Barbaros, Kumbbag apart hotel
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About Tekirdag

the tekirdağ province (former name: tekfur mountain), on the thracian coast of the marmara region of turkey, east of istanbul in the sea of marmara and the dardanelles in the west, edirne, kırklareli in the north and northeast surrounded by the black sea, il. the province with the same name as the centre of tekirdag city. much sugar is...

population density: 122 people km2. the average yearly temperature: 13,8 °c. average annual rainfall: 583 mm. 2008 according to the census of turkstat, turkey's population is the 2nd fastest growing as a percentage.

geography of tekirdağ province in the west, the highest hill 945 m. also ganos mountain altitude (lights mount)'s created by the mountains, except for tabby, usually plain. the most important river in the north of the province, which is close to the river ergene. ergene created by the alluvial plains surrounding the province's population with the productivity of a large portion of the settlements collected. maquis vegetation on the coast of the sea of marmara, tekirdağ, mountainous forested areas in other places shows the step property.

the climate of tekirdag, is a mixture of mediterranean climate and continental climate. in the coastal region, the sea of marmara with the influence of a humid region.

history of human settlements related to the most ancient ruins karansilli village circa beds in tekirdağ, malkara and finds have been found in honey hill near kustepe named. these are available findspot is where the outdoor devices that belong to the lower paleolithic age. typologically can be dated between 250 thousand years ago a million years. located just east of tekirdağ, the violet from the chalcolithic age until the hellenistic period has been settled at a spot that is find.

the history of tekirdağ in thrace is parallel to the other provinces; the first is the region inhabited by thracians, macedonian, persian, roman and byzantine rule after the ottoman empire conquered in 1357 and was participated in by i. murat. in 1703 rákóczi war of independence against the austrian empire for prince who are struggling with rebellious hungarian host tekirdag, at the end of the ottoman period, was the center of a banner of the province of edirne. 93 in the war (1878) the russian, in the balkan war (1912) the bulgarian and after world war i (1920-1922) living in the county of greek occupation, the turkish war of independence that comes with permanently joined to the lands for the victory on 13 november 1922.

name origin: tekirdag, βισανθη in the byzantine period (bisanthe) and later ρωδοστο (rodosto), as has been called. the turks who captured the city, the city previously rodoscuk, 18. y.y. it is also a mountain have begun to call the governor. the governor of the armenian quote is a word, and the christian rulers in ottoman turkish are also given. original tagavor, meaning the ones who are crowned. after the proclamation of the republic, the governor instead of being tossed in the word analogical tabby sesce is optimized.

the economy is the most fertile land in the province of tekirdag. 1st grade agricultural land. there are vast flat plains fertile plains yesil. a large part of turkey's oil production meets sunflower and wheat. malkara and hayrabolu tekirdağ province in the west of the economic value of agriculture and animal husbandry in the districts is very high. east of the province of tekirdag, corlu and cerkezkoy industrial area in the county, industrial, and agricultural economy is very high. corlu and cerkezkoy hundreds of towns found here, especially the dozens that are being performed (2008: 1.100 pcs factory) the factory in the population due to migration is rising very fast. by the 1st of turkey's fastest industrializing.

an honorary fellow of tekirdağ mustafa kemal atatürk
the independence of the hungarian hero ferenc rákóczi



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